Jacob Paris
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Reset React state when a prop changes with useResetCallback

The more interactive your React app is, the more likely it is that you'll have some pieces of state that depend on other pieces of state.

Especially when implementing Optimistic UI, you may use your server data as a source of truth, but want to manipulate it client side for a better user experience.

Jump straight to the custom hook if you're already familiar with the problem.

For example, when uploading a file, you may want to show a semi-transparent placeholder image with elements to indicate that the file is uploading, but once it's complete, you want to show the actual image.

A common implementation in Remix would look like this

const { images } = useLoaderData()
const [pendingImages, setPendingImages] = useState<string[]>([])
return (
{pendingImages.map((blob) => (
<ImagePlaceholder src={blob} />
{images.map((image) => (
<Image src={image} />

When you upload a new image, you'd add it to the pendingImages array, and once the upload is complete, Remix would re-render the component with the new images data.

You would then have to clear the pendingImages array, so users won't see both the placeholder and the actual image.

The best way to do that is with a state variable that tracks the previous images prop, and clears the pending images when it changes.

If you're tempted to reach for useEffect instead, note that useEffect will run after the component renders, so you'll see the placeholder image for a split second before it's cleared.

const { images } = useLoaderData()
const [prevImages, setPrevImages] = useState<string[]>([])
const [pendingImages, setPendingImages] = useState<string[]>([])
if (images !== prevImages) {
return (
{pendingImages.map((blob) => (
<ImagePlaceholder src={blob} />
{images.map((image) => (
<Image src={image} />

React will synchronously call setPendingImages and then re-render the component before painting to the screen, so you won't see the placeholder image.

Extracting the logic into a custom hook

Thanks to the composability of hooks, we can take the reset logic and put it in a custom useResetCallback hook that we can reuse across our app.

function useResetCallback(initialValue, resetFn: () => any) {
const [prevValue, setPrevValue] = useState(initialValue)
if (prevValue !== initialValue) {
function ImageUploader() {
const { images } = useLoaderData()
const [pendingImages, setPendingImages] = useState<string[]>([])
// Whenever images changes, call setPendingImages
useResetCallback(images, () => {
return (
{pendingImages.map((blob) => (
<ImagePlaceholder src={blob} />
{images.map((image) => (
<Image src={image} />
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