Jacob Paris
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What I'm up to now

This is my Now Page, which lets you know what I'm up to at the given moment.


Since March of this year I've been living in Bali, Indonesia. I usually work out of Tropical Coworking space, but under covid lockdown I've been working from home a lot of the time. I intend to stay here until the end of August, and then I'll head back to Bulgaria.


During the daytime I am a mortgage software developer for a company based in Toronto.

If you're looking to get a mortgage and buy a house, you'll hop on the phone with a mortgage agent who tries to find you the best available rate for you given your income and expenses. Our business-facing application is what the agent would be using while they're on the phone with you, punching in information and reading back market rates in real-time.

We also building a client-facing application that lets you track the status of your mortgage application, securely upload your documents, authenticate yourself for credit checks, and anything else required to streamline your loan application experience.

The third product line is a set of embeddable web forms and calculators that tell you how much of a house you can afford, or how much money you'd save by refinancing your mortgage now or later.

Side Work

Outside of my dayjob I produce educational content to teach people how to code. I've joined Egghead.io as a learner advocate, with long-term goals of becoming an instructor and running my own workshops and courses.


I've been going surfing off and on, but I don't think I'm going to continue. I just wanted to be competent enough to be able to spend a surf day with friends and have a good time.

I'm getting more into freediving, but I'm hitting a biological limit with particularly sensitive sinuses that make me prone to nosebleeds under pressure. Either way, my breath hold is up to 3 minutes underwater now.

I've tried to sign up at an MMA gym but the latest lockdown is giving me grief on that front. Hopefully in the coming weeks that activity opens itself back up.

Professional headshot

Hey there! I'm a developer, designer, and digital nomad building cool things with Remix, and I'm also writing Moulton, the Remix Community Newsletter

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  • New guides and tutorials
  • Upcoming talks, meetups, and events
  • Cool new libraries and packages
  • What's new in the latest versions of Remix

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