Jacob Paris
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#2: Chrysalism

Have you ever experienced amniotic tranquility when you are warm and dry inside the house during an intense thunderstorm? This experience is known as chrysalism.

I'm in bed in a complete state of chrysalism while it's raining cats and dogs outside.


# Remix 1.1 is out

On a classic case of normalize deploying on a Friday, the Remix team released the first minor since going open source. It came full of new features, including multipart file upload support, a new Cloudflare Pages deployment target, and 64 new contributors, which speaks very highly of the early adopters that Remix has captivated.

Remix on Cloudflare Pages

A month ago, Cloudflare announced an upgrade to their Pages product by adding support for Workers. After working closely together with the Remix team, Cloudflare announced a new Remix adapter. Props to Greg Brimble for nailing both the coding part and support by answering like a bazillion of questions on the Remix Discord server.

Remix Crash Course

An hour-long video where Brad Traversy shows how to build a blog using Remix, Prisma, and SQLite. I found his guide very informative and full of practical tips, perfect for those curious enough to try out Remix for the first time.

Remix for Next.js developers

Yang tries to answer one of the most asked questions since Remix captivated the attention of the general web development audience: how does it compare to Next.js?

Remix Component Data

This is an intriguing proof of concept by Michael, where he shows how convenient it might be to colocate loaders and actions in single components directly, rather than in routes. Are we going to see a future where this is supported out of the box? Think Relay, without all the hassle.


Meet Remix's Coffeescript. Sergio build a bunch of niceties on top of Remix primitives, which are very useful for common cases, like a component that only renders on the client, or a hook that detects if your component has been hydrated. The nicest thing about the project is that as Remix ships features that might collide with the library, Sergio actively deprecates them.


You are probably aware of some link types, especially those allowed in the <a> element. But learning about some others might be very useful, especially those allowed in the <link> element, like prefetch and preload.

You'll find yourself using them in two places: in the <Link> component as a way to reduce spinageddon via prefetch, and in route's links function, where you can use preload to make an asset a high priority for the browser.

Here's a good article about preloading data, and here's one about prefetching, both from the very informative web.dev blog. I particularly like that they both present real cases and not only theory.


🐦 ‏ The Remix developer urge to check the network tab every five seconds – @crim_codes

This is a very clear and practical example of Remix enforcing good web development practices. Getting used to the network tab is always healthy to sanity check any UX hypothesis.

🐦 ‏ Announcing Remix Careers. Coming soon early 2022! – @ericktamayo

Because no real hype machine can be built without a job board, here comes Erick from Metronome to validate our excitement.

🐦 ‏ Other frameworks will likely be supported in the future. – @remix_run

Probably one of the most underrated tweets of the year, reinforcing that Remix is a web framework, not a React one.

🐦 ‏ Invite me to your meetups, podcasts, live streams, conferences, etc! I'll give you a tour. If you build websites/webapps, you want to know about Remix – @kentcdodds

Let's take a minute to appreciate this man's passion. He was thriving as an independent creator and decided to jump into the Remix ship mainly because he believes in the project's ethos. #lifegoals


Keep On Truckin' by Eddie Kendricks

Released in 1973, this masterpiece song highlights a hypnotic orchestration between instruments and voice. As someone said, this is real music for your soul.

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Hey there! I'm a developer, designer, and digital nomad building cool things with Remix, and I'm also writing Moulton, the Remix Community Newsletter

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