Jacob Paris
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Laying out pages with HTML

There are four main display types we're going to look at here.


Block elements are full width containers that stack vertically. You can give them dimensions, such as a height and width and margin. Two consecutive block elements will stack vertically, even if there is room for them to fit side by side.

The most basic block element is <div />


Inline elements flow like text horizontally before overflowing to the next line. If you split a large inline element into two consecutive inline elements (for example, a paragraph into individual sentences), its layout will not change.

You cannot set the width or height of inline elements.

The most basic inline element is <span />

If you give a span the css property display: block; it will behave identically to a div element, and vice versa. The only difference between these two basic elements that matters is the browser default display type.

Inline Block

Inline-Block elements flow like text, but you can give them width and height values. Two consecutive inline-block elements will line up horizontally as long as there is room, otherwise they will overflow to the next line.


This is one of the newest and most complicated display types, but is very powerful. When you set a container to display: flex, its children will be arranged according to the rules you set.

On the container, your most important rules are going to be flex-direction, align-items and justify-content.

align-items sets the position of children on the cross-axis , so by default it works as a vertical align. If your flex direction is set to column, then it will work as a horizontal align instead. Most of the time you'll want to set this to center

justify-content sets the position of children on the main-axis , so horizontally for rows and vertically for columns. space-around, space-between, and space-evenly will be your highlights here, but you also have start, center, and end to use.

There are many other rules, such as align-content, align-self, justify-self, justify-items —— but you don't need to concern yourself with these. They're poorly implemented by browsers and they don't do anything meaningful that you can't do with the above two selectors.

On the children, the most important rule is flex which is a combination of three other properties: flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis. The first two are flags. Set flex grow to 1 if you would like the element to be able to expand automatically. Flex shrink allows it to reduce its size if needed. Flex basis is amount of space that element will take up.

flex: 0 1 30% will give you an element that takes up 30% of its container, but can shrink if needed to fit more elements.

Single Column Page

The single column layout is the king of webpage design. Not only does it naturally scale for mobile, but it's clean and focused and does everything it needs to do very well.

On mobile devices, we want it to take up the full screen, but on large desktops we want it to be much narrower, so we can use the width and max-width properties to accomplish that.

Since we're going full width, display: block is the key here and <div> elements are already block by default so we don't need to specify that manually.

.page {
width: 100%;
max-width: 50rem;

Horizontal List

We want our list elements side by side, so that means inline and inline-block are our friends.

.horizontal-list li {
display: inline-block;

Two Column Layout (Sidebar and Content)

.content {
display: flex;
.column {
flex: 0 1 50%;
<div class="content">
<div class="column" />
<div class="column" />

Center Content in Window

body {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-height: 100vh;
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