Jacob Paris
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Filter an array in Typescript

I had a typed array and wanted to remove elements with an empty value. In vanilla Javascript that's easy enough, but instead of regular strings I was using string unions to restrict the available options.

type Property = {
measurements: Measurement[]
type Measurement = {
type: MeasurementType
value: number
unit: MeasurementUnit
type MeasurementType =
type MeasurementUnit =
| "FEET"
function getProperty(input): Property {
return {
measurements: [
type: "LOT_DEPTH",
value: input.lotDepth.value,
unit: input.lotDepth.unit,
type: "LOT_AREA",
value: input.lotArea.value,
unit: input.lotArea.unit,
type: "LIVING_AREA",
value: input.livingArea.value,
unit: input.livingArea.unit,
].filter((measurement) => measurement.value),

Typescript was able to correctly infer the type of the measurements array, but as soon as I added the filter it broke. Why? Filter returns a regular array of regular objects, and the type information about the string unions was lost

Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'MeasurementName'


The solution I ended up going with was to use type predicates to tell filter which type to use. I found out afterward that TS can infer correctly without the type predicate as long as it's split with an intermediate variable.

Type predicates

.filter((measurement): measurement is Measurement => measurement.value)

Type predicates (JSDoc)

.filter(/** @type function(*): measurement is Measurement */ (measurement) => measurement.value)

Intermediate variable (JSDoc)

function getProperty(input): Property {
/** @type {Measurement[]} */
const measurements = [
type: "LOT_DEPTH",
value: input.lotDepth.value,
unit: input.lotDepth.unit,
type: "LOT_AREA",
value: input.lotArea.value,
unit: input.lotArea.unit,
type: "LIVING_AREA",
value: input.livingArea.value,
unit: input.livingArea.unit,
return {
measurements: measurements.filter(
(measurement) => measurement.value,
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